Saturday, August 11, 2007

What to do when the gym isn't open yet but you are awake...

After lying in bed for a few minutes I decided that grocery shopping by myself sounded like a great idea. It felt pretty good to come home at 7am and already have the shopping done. Granted, it feels a little strange to try to steer the card around floor cleaners and stockers but it was worth it to breeze through the checkout. It also helps that your kids get excited when they've only been awake for a few minutes and they are presented with these...

Sad that this is one of the highlights of my day right?


Jan said...

Interesting how your sleep patterns get so screwed up that you're awake before the gym opens! (I feel your pain -- seminary did it to me). But the grocery store in the middle of the night is awesome. And it's only a SuperMom who brings home donuts first thing in the morning! Yay for you!

tiburon said...

You need to come here! My gym opens early on Saturday too :)

What you save on doughnuts you can spend on airfare. tee hee hee

-Melissa- said...

Yummy! Doughnuts are a great way to start the day at our house!:)

Unknown said...

mmm, donuts! maya would really be diggin' on the sprinkles, too.

hoLLy said...

that picture makes me want to go buy some right now. i am a donut freak! yeah, its fun to "come home a hero" as HEB says. i miss that store. why don't they have HEBs in the dallas area yet? dang!