Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ok I'll Bite...

I was tagged by Melissa..
4 things about me you may not have known:
1. I always eat my fries before my burger.
2. I can't cut my own toenails.
3. I imagined as a kid that I was the bionic woman.
4. I am a sucker for plastic surgery TV shows.

4 Jobs I've Had:
1. Student Assistant at PR office at Texas Tech
2. Barbeque Restaurant
3. IT Systems Security
4. Jack in the Box worker! woohoo!

4 Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Napoleon Dynamite
2. So I married an Axe Murderer
3. Princess Bride

4 Favorite TV shows:
1. Heroes!!!!
2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. Monk
4. Hell's Kitchen

4 Favorite Hobbies:
1. Web Surfing
2. Watching Soccer
3. Exercising
4. Shopping

4 Places I have lived:
1. Sparwood, BC, Canada
2. San Antonio, TX
3. Aberdeen, Scotland
4. Mckinney, TX

4 Favorite Foods:
1. Cake! White with Vanilla frosting (Buttercream)
2. Fettucine Alfredo
3. Crab legs with melted butter

4 Places I would rather be right now:
1. Alberta
2. Disney - either one would be fine
3. Hawaii (kid free!)
4. actually anywhere kid free... ;)

4 Websites I check daily:
1. various blogs
2. fitness board
3. google :)
4. lds.org

4 People I tag:
1. Natalie
2. Tiburon
3. Rachel
4. Jan (but i think you've already been targeted)


Unknown said...

eeks, that makes 3 tags. i might actually have to do this. (might.) :) i love reading everyone elses' fun scoop! very interesting indeed!

Jan said...

Loved your info -- I knew some of it but had no idea you were the bionic woman! Way cool! :)

tiburon said...

Ok so since my name is on there - do I have to do it?

Oh and I wanted to mention that you and your brother are both FREAKS! Eating your fries before your burger - always thought that was a bit odd. It must be an Erickson thing...