Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Week Before School.

Ok this was the first day LAST year but I'm looking forward to taking new pictures.

It's been a crazy week so far and it's only Tuesday!! Yesterday we had Physical Therapy for Morgan, scouting out of a new preschool for Maya (story to come later) and one of our twice yearly visits to the urologist for Maya's kidney reflux. Physical therapy was fine. We got Maya signed up for preschool and the great news is that it looks like Maya's kidneys are working well and have been pretty much infection free for 6 months.

On Friday we got a letter from the director of Maya's preschool saying that due to circumstances beyond their control they would not be able to run their school this year. We were sad because we loved her school. Morgan went there and I was planning on sending Melody as well. It was quite last minute to find a replacement but we found one that looks good and Maya will get to start in 2 weeks. Now if she didn't scream like a banshee while we were leaving it would have helped to make a better first impression I'm sure. She didn't want to leave the barbie computer. Oh yeah.. Melody was having an all out fit too. I'm sure they are fighting over who gets her in class. Not.

Today should be interesting with a visit to the dentist, another visit to the pediatrician for various Maya related medical issues. (sleep issues, skin problems, immunization records... etc.. it's always something), gymnastics practice and some grocery shopping items I missed. I have a feeling I'll be falling in to bed with a giant thud tonight. It will all be worth it when they're happily in class, right?


tiburon said...

The last week before school starts is always a crazy one! Hopefully you will make it through today with little trauma :)

I can't wait to see pics of the girls on the first day!

Jan said...

You have plenty on your plate -- I can't believe you could find another preschool at the last second like that. Good for you -- can't wait to see the pics of the girls as they head out for school.

-Melissa- said...

Sounds like you are busy getting everyone ready for school. I can't wait for Dax to start school soon. It will be good for him and me!:)

Unknown said...

i'm seriously amazed that you could find another preschool for her at the last minute. that's impossible around here. i'm so glad it worked out.