Saturday, August 04, 2007

Following in my Grandpa's "foot"steps...

That's an inside joke Grandpa! The man seriously has the ugliest feet I have ever seen ;) He seems to think that they are a thing of beauty and constantly rips on mine because of his own insecurities but you KNOW my feet are model material!
Thanks for the idea to do an entry on Grandpa, Jan! Here's are some of my favorite pics..
We were being serious...

It's impossible. Truly.

I mean, really.

I have always been honored to share a birth month with him and we used to celebrate many of them together in Lethbridge. I remember quite a few birthdays there at Whoop-Up days going full swing. I can't imagine a more incredible role model to spend a birthday with. If I can be half the person he is I will be a happy woman. I love and miss you Grandpa! (you too Grandma!)


Unknown said...

that is so sweet. i love those pics. i love grandpa. he's the best.

tiburon said...

So sweet! I have a great pic of you and Grandpa together from when you were all up there last year. I just emailed it to you :)

Jan said...

I loved seeing those pics again -- gotta love him!