Monday, August 06, 2007

This shirt pretty much sums it up...

I don't know how my parents did it. How you balance more than one kid doing extracurricular activities is beyond me. From here on out it's all gymnastics all the time. It's the start of competitive season and every weekend will be filled with meets, parties, etc.. If we're not at practice, we're at physical therapy. Yes that's right. My 7 year old gymnast has issues with her heels and has PT once a week..
Talk about a serious athlete. I'm going to need therapy in a few years when she decides she wants to take up basket weaving.


Unknown said...

wowzers! can i just keep my babies small forever?! just kidding. i'm sure it must be amazing to watch her achieve her goals. that is awesome.

Jan said...

Busy busy! How great that you're helping her to do what she loves. That's huge.

tiburon said...

Hopefully they all like gymnastics! We are going through the same thing with our kids. Ethan has football 6 days a week and Avery has gymnastics and wants to start soccer. At least Olivia is still little and has no activities.

She is so good at what she does though - yay for you for supporting her :)