Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Losing Momentum

I went to bed last night and set my alarm for 5:30. I thought I'd have my shower at home and sleep in for 30 mins. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. My joints were a bit sore from Monday's workout so I skipped yesterday. I just didn't feel like it today. It's so not like me. I'm usually springing out of bed, happy to have some time by myself. This morning I was content to just lie there.

The other thing that bugs me... do you ever just want to be one of those people who can eat what they want to eat? I would like this for breakfast...

The fruit/whole wheat toast or fat free yogurt just ain't gonna cut it today. Tell me this is a temporary thing ok? I still have 5 pounds that are lingering....


tiburon said...

I hope it is temporary! Although I am hoping I am at the point where I am shifting to being healthier than unhealthy. That cinnamon roll does NOTHING for me.

Hopefully you can shake it off soon!

I know what a gym rat you are!

Rebecca said...

You know I am generally MUCH healthier than I used to be but there are still going to be days when there are things you crave. It might not do anything for you today but some day it might. I'll be getting up again tomorrow morning I'm sure.

Jan said...

I always want something that I shouldn't have. I think for me that's how it's always going to be -- just saying no to stuff like that. You look so wonderful -- yay for you. You will be up tomorrow again because you want to stay that way.

tiburon said...

Oh I can totally relate to cravings! I think you should just give in a bit and enjoy. Life is too short :)

Unknown said...

first of all, you look fantastic. i'm so impressed by you and your commitment to this. sometimes you just need a little break. seriously, cut yourself some slack. let youself take a few days off, and then get your butt back to the gym. it happens to everyone - and you'll totally get back into it.