Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Fire of the Fall


tiburon said...

I had no clue that you Texans actually USED your fireplaces.

Is it bad that you have had your first fire and we haven't?

The girls are so cute!

Lori said...

It was cold yesterday, wasn't it? I loved it though. And how bad is it that while you were using your fireplace I had my windows open? LOL And you are Canadian. Aren't you supposed to have more cold tolerance than me? ;)

Jan said...

I want a gas fireplace. We have a wood-burning fireplace and it's never been used -- I just don't want the mess. I know, I'm lame.

But I miss my gas fireplace!

Me, Myself, and I said...

The girls are so darn cute! I miss them a lot.