Thursday, October 16, 2008


Maya's giving me plenty of material to post this week.
Maya attends a wonderful preschool in a presbyterian church that we adore.
We are not members there so are not familiar with all of the church terms.
Here's our conversation:
Maya: (singing) "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.... "
Me: Wow, Maya that's beautiful, did you guys have chapel at preschool today?
Maya: "Yup and I was the CABOOSE for our class today! and guess who was behind me on the way to chapel? Passenger John!!!"
Me: "Wow! (i say this alot for some reason) Who is passenger john?"
Maya: (sighing because mom doesn't know anything) "You know, PASSENGER JOHN! He teaches us at chapel!"
Me: "Oh! You mean PASTOR John?"
Maya: "Yeah.. passenger John. He plays the guitar."


Jan said...

Maya is doing the same thing - and her comments are along the same lines. I'm still laughing at 'passenger John'. You should tell him!

tiburon said...

Oh that is so cute!

-Melissa- said...

That is too funny! Dax has been singing some songs from chapel time too. He is loving school this year.