Saturday, July 28, 2007

My Wonderful Companion

I often take my husband for granted. The more I talk to other women the more I realize what a gift he is. He loves me. I know that in itself isn't uncommon but it's priceless nonetheless. He respects me as an equal. He realizes (unlike many men) that a marriage is an equal partnership. He loves his kids and wants to spend time with them. He knows what is important.

Sharing in the housework is not a question. We both do our part. I can't believe how many women are shocked that Nathan does the laundry or cleans the floors. It seems pretty natural for us to simply do what needs to be done. Neither of us takes ownership in a household chore. If it needs to be done, we do it. Simple.

He works hard but puts his family first. This year I have been somewhat high maintenance for various reasons and he's really stepped up. Yesterday I took Morgan to a gymnastics event and he took the day off to be with the 2 littles. He took them to a play place with inflatables and he didn't just sit and watch them. He was right in the middle of things, going down the slide, jumping and being silly along with them.

Every year there is a daddy daughter dance at the community center and he looks forward to it. He orders corsages. He loves his girls. How attractive is that?

It doesn't hurt that he's pretty darn hot either! I am glad that we've had a wonderful 10 years together and I'm looking forward to the next 10 and beyond.


Jan said...

What a good man. Loved the pics with the girls and the flowers -- and the image of him with the little guys at the inflatable place is priceless. He's wonderful -- but remember, you are too -- you deserve each other and that's awesome. Love it.

Unknown said...

that is definitely a great hubby. i feel the same way about mine. he does housework, too. he is great with the kids. very , very lucky we are! :)

tiburon said...

He is a keeper for sure! I would say all sorts of ooey gooey things about your brother but I don't want to make you sick. You already know lucked out with him :)

hoLLy said...

those are the sweetest pictures! we have 3 daughters too. i love to see my husband do special things with them and spend time with them. he's great with helping and knowing that family is first. we are so lucky to have such great husbands!