Saturday, July 21, 2007

Early to bed, Early to rise

There are three reasons I wake up early. Here they are.

I decided after I had Melody that I was fed up with my weight and could either be fat or tired. I chose tired. Now I am in the habit of getting up at 5 - 5:30 am and going to the gym almost every morning. The only downside to this habit is that you are awake at this time on the weekends too! This would be ok but the gym doesn't open until 8am on Saturdays. I have actually looked into changing gyms for this very reason but the cheapness of my current gym keeps me where I am at. So here I am this morning, waiting for LA Fitness to open its doors. Only 1.5 hours more to go. Today will be an hour of elliptical and upper body weights.


Jan said...

It's amazing how the body clock gets screwed up for good by starting to get up early. 15 years of teaching seminary has messed me up totally. Sigh. I feel your pain.

tiburon said...

You go girl! I just got home!

You are probably sweating your firm little tushy off right now :)

Unknown said...

girlie, you are such a motivation. i need to get my biscuit on the elliptical. cute pic of the girlies!