Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Money Pit

We got a list of fees tonight for the begining of competitive season for gymnastics. With about a dozen meets, monthly fees, leotard, warmup, etc... we're looking at incredible amounts of money. We're even at a gym that's considered reasonable. My kid is still SEVEN, right??? Holy cow. Remember the soccer days? 40 dollars for the entire SEASON??? Tell me it will be worth it. The kid is in love with her sport and doesn't ever complain.
Want to see a cool video? This is from March. She's so much better now. Mom bragging over.... for this post.


tiburon said...

Just think - it will all be worth it when she is getting her gold medal at the Olympics! :)

hoLLy said...

hey rebecca, its holly, natalie's friend in mckinney. i read your comment on my blog so i decided to check out yours. its really cute!funny thing is, i looked at your family picture and you are familiar to me. i wracked my brain trying to figure out where i've seen you before and then i remembered. i was in 4th ward and you came to gabe nesbitt for our playgroup once. you were friends i believe with amy randall and this other girl(sister in law to ricquel townsend) i don't remember her name but i'm sure you know who i'm talking about. anyways, so i've seen you around. its a small world! what ward are you in? i'm now in 5th. anyways, just wanted to say hi. maybe i'll see you around sometime at the grocery store or kohls or something:)

Unknown said...

eeks, kids activities are such fun, aren't they. holy crappers, that's a lot of costs. i've got my fingers crossed that my kids will be underachievers. (Just kidding, of course.)

Jan said...

How fun that you and Holly have a little connection -- Holly was in our ward here in Austin and I still want them to move back. As for the gymnastics -- she sure is talented and I know you'll pour the $$ into it because she needs it. She's awesome!