Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Things I learn when hubby's out of town...

1. My kids like pork.
Nathan's a picky eater and doesn't like pork. Between my three girls and I we ate half of a pork tenderloin. The biggest fan? Melody. She was the last one at the table and had two helpings. (have I mentioned that we also had mashed potatoes with cauliflower and zucchini puree and no one noticed????)

2. When no one is here and I don't expect help (the adult kind) I just get on with business and actually accomplish more.

3. I'm a social person and miss adult company.

4. My kids love their daddy and can't wait for him to be home. :)

I love the guy. I don't mind that he travels a little but only a little.


Unknown said...

i agree, some travel is okay, but not too much. when chris is gone, i imagine myself getting tons of things done and going to bed early, but i always end up leaving the dishes in the sink and staying up half the night reading. no one to keep me in line! :)

tiburon said...

Between the two of us we could write a book about the things we learn! :)

Jan said...

I agree -- a little travel is fine. More than that is NOT.