Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Bionic Woman

I'm not much of a TV watcher. I watched ER for a long time until I got bored with it. Same with American Idol. I am really into Heroes right now. However, when I heard that Bionic Woman was being remade (and redone) I just had to watch.

Here's a little background. I was born with a congenital disorder called Arthrogryposis.
I watched the original Bionic Woman as a kid and often imagined that they had replaced my joints for bionic joints. I know it sounds silly but one can dream, right?

I still think the original bionic woman was way cool, cheezy 70s sound effects and all.

The new one seems ok but totally different so we'll see how it goes.


tiburon said...

You are the bionic woman. I didn't catch the show though!

Unknown said...

it's on my dvr. hopefully we'll get to it this weekend.

tiburon said...

I am dying to see pics from the baptism!!!! PICTURES! PICTURES!