Saturday, September 27, 2008

I am thankful.. a list of 10 things.

1. I am thankful that Morgan found a gymnastics coach who truly loves her. I think that is priceless.

2. I am thankful that all my kids are potty trained! Yay!

3. I am thankful for great friends who have helped me so much recently, especially with childcare during physical therapy and doctor appointments.

4. I am thankful for great teachers for all three of my kids this year. They are all loving their classes and are so happy.

5. I am thankful for the job that my husband has. I know it's a great blessing, especially with the state of the economy right now. He is a hard worker and plays a part in keeping himself employed.

6. I am thankful for kids who drive me crazy but also keep me laughing.

7. I am thankful for the knowledge of a Heavenly Father who is mindful of each and every one of us.

8. I am thankful for a great doctor and physical therapist who have helped me heal and get on the way to becoming fully recovered even quicker than they thought.

9. I am thankful for being born into my family. We're quirky. Some of us are downright weird (Rachel! :) ) but I'm grateful for each one of them.

10. I am thankful for autumn weather. I feel like I can be outside for a period of time without needing another shower.


Jan said...

What a wonderful list! There really are a zillion things to be thankful for, aren't they? Family is always tops on my list. (that's you!)

Tracey said...

Hello girl, I hope you remember me. I did Jazzercise and L.A fitness with ya. Tracey Dunford?? I hope it rings a bell. I was in the Mckinney 3rd ward. I was looking on a friends blog and came across yours. I am so excited. My family moved to Northern Ca. about 5 months ago and I miss Texas.I hope it is okay to check on whats going on with your family??
I have a blog as well. abcdedunfordfamily.SO happy to see that you and your family are well. Talk to you later!!

Me, Myself, and I said...

Moi? Weird? I have no idea where you come up with this stuff! *Ribbit*

Anonymous said...

It's always good to take a moment and think about what makes us truly thankful. I need to do that more often. :o)

(((hugs))) and stuff.

tiburon said...

All fantastic things to be thankful for! :)

Lori said...

That is a great list! I completely agree with #10, though I have to admit that yesterday wasn't great. It was pretty hot and sticky at the game! :)