Friday, October 19, 2007

Night and Day

I know that Morgan and Maya don't really look like sisters. Yesterday it occured to me how different they really are.

Maya was watching the The Phantom Menace Star Wars movie with her daddy. (not my choice of movie, but hey.. it's PG, right?) They were going through the fight sequence where Obi Wan kills Darth Maul. Morgan would have had her face in a pillow, scared to death. Maya's reaction was quite different. As soon as Obi Wan finished him off, Maya screams "YES!" Hilarious.


-Melissa- said...

Cute girls! My boys have such different personalities too. It was fun seeing you at Mcdonalds the other day.

Jan said...

How funny! It's so interesting that the kiddoes are their own definite, individual personality. Cute pic.

Unknown said...

my kids are the same. i mean, the same in that they're so different. maya is the storm, mason is the sunshine.

tiburon said...

They are adorable! That is sooo the difference between Avery and Lulu too!