Saturday, August 02, 2008

Just like riding a bike.....

I learned to ride a bike in a different way. It was never really comfortable. Basically I used from my knees down and swayed the bike from side to side. Stationary bikes were out because I was never able to keep a bike stationary and ride a full circle on the pedals. The seat was always extremely uncomfortable, painful even.

Just now I hopped on my husband's recumbent bike, just out of curiosity. He held my right leg and i put my left leg in the stirrup. Being careful to not make my hip go past 90 degrees (just in case you're reading Dr. Snoots!!) I rode a full circle without my knee turning a single degree inward. When I am completely healed I will be able to go on a family bike ride. I am so incredibly grateful and amazed at what lies ahead for me. I always knew that miracles existed (I do have children after all) but I never knew that I actually would BE a miracle. My cup runneth over.


. . . . . . . . . said...

Holy cow!!!! I'm cryin' dude. I can't believe what an amazing miracle these surgerys are. I'm so incredibly happy for you. I love you so much.

Chris and Tara Mason said...

That is awesome! I'm so glad that you went ahead and had the surgery this summer!

tiburon said...

Fantastic news!! That is so great :)

Jan said...

Yippee!! Nothing more to add -- just yippeee!!!