Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Want some cheese with your whine?

It's time to come clean. If you're not into reading "Debbie Downer" posts you might want to skip this one.

I'm not feeling great. My hips are hurting. That's not going to get better until surgery. When will that be, you ask? This side of never. I have no idea how to have surgery and be out of commission for three months. Not only that, but my oldest daughter is extremely emotional/anxious/attached right now and I don't think surgery would help that much. I don't want to miss her competitions. I don't want to miss the family gathering in Alberta in August... there is simply no good time.

I just started cymbalta. Some days I think it's helping. Some days I don't. I won't get in to the battle with the insurance just to get the prescription.

My weight is not dropping. I lost 4.5 pounds in two weeks and it came back after a weekend of not so great choices. I dropped out of Biggest Loser. I'm embarassed that I can't control that. What good is a tummy tuck if you can't keep your weight down?

My poor kids deserve a better mom. They need someone who can get on the floor and play with them. They need someone who isn't cranky and loses her temper easily. (especially when Daddy is traveling).

I'm sure that I will feel better tomorrow. I just needed a venue to vent. I'll count my blessings in the next one since there are many more of those than I can name...


tiburon said...

Rebecca - you vent away. I don't know how you do what you do. As for the hip surgery - things will fall into place. I know that your ward will help you and I am sure that the Texas family will help too. Work on getting your head and heart in order and your body will follow.

Thinking about you tons :) If you ever need to chat or vent you know how to reach me!

Yvette A said...

Just giving you some cyber hugs..


Unknown said...

so sorry, chicky! i hate it for you! i'll be praying for you.

Gnomey said...


You are an Amazing Mom - and don't even entertain thoughts otherwise.

I'm sorry you're in pain - and vent away - that is what friends are for (and blogs, LOL).


Jan said...

ah, Becca!! I'm so so so sorry. You have done and continue to put up with so much and I wish there was something I could do to help. Love you.

Lori said...

Your kids have the best mom, don't ever doubt that! And I will do whatever I can to help when it is surgery time. But in the mean time, whine away friend. I'm always here to listen! Love you!

Chris and Tara Mason said...

I'm sorry that you are having a bad day! It just sucks! I highly doubt you are a bad mom! Your kids don't deserve a better mom because they have the best mom already!
Do you guys want to get together this weekend? If you're not going out of town, we should BBQ and hang out!

Me, Myself, and I said...

If you can't vent to every person with internet access, who can you vent to? :)

You're a great mom. And I can't believe you were in biggest loser! It's not physically possible for you to lose even close to enough weight to win that one.

Whenever the time is right for the surgery, I'll do anything I can to help.

Michele said...

I'm sorry you're in pain right now, hon. You're a fantastic mom-- you're natural caring and nurturing skills shine through every time you speak of your girls! I hope you find the Cymbalta helps-- I miss your happiness and just know it will be back soon.


. . . . . . . . . said...

I know I already called you, but I wanted to remind you that you are awesome. And if you need to vent, do it! Anyone who gets their panties in a wad (Ah...the Ferdism) over the fact that you need to vent your emotions is a DORK. Most importantly, you are an awesome mom. Don't question that, Bec. I look up to you so much in that area. You really are amazing. And your girls would tell you the same thing. I love you. (Make sure we pow-wow about your surgery time so I can help...I'll be there as much as possible.)