Thursday, May 29, 2008

Latest News - Catching Up

So here's the latest from our house...

1. I had a follow up with my surgeon who I am convinced is the best doctor on the planet. We're considering late spring next year for my surgery. He's answered every question we've thrown at him and after a second opinion, much prayer and thought, we are going to do a he suggests - a double hip replacement with the left side first and the right 2 weeks afterward. We would like to hire a full time nanny for at least 3 months, especially to help with the driving. How do you go about doing that?

2. Summer is looming and we are actually excited for the welcome break from a busy busy schedule. Morgan toured the 3rd grade classrooms in her school and has decided that another year in her school might be just fine with her. I have heard many good things about the 3rd grade team so I believe that is our plan of action for now.

3. Nathan and the kids have been really enjoying the Wii Fit. Someday I will join them. Next year perhaps?

4. We booked our flights to Alberta in August and we are beyond excited!

5. We visited our pool for the first time this past weekend and I think we are going to be spending a great deal of time there
That's about it.. just a quick post for now....


. . . . . . . . . said...

1. I'm glad things are working out.
2. Ditto.
3. I want one.
4. Ditto!
5. Hm...bathing suits. Not sure if I'm ready to embark on that yet, but I bet you look mighty cute!

Lori said...

I can only give you my experience but the 3rd grade team has been excellent this year. I still think you ran in to Shannon in a bad year (new baby, new administration, etc). Did you know she's leaving the school? She is going to teach part time in Plano so she can spend more time with her baby. Selfishly I'm glad that you guys will still be there. :)

I'm here for you when you have the surgery. And I will look for the nanny agency numbers this weekend. I keep files for everything so I'm pretty sure I still have it somewhere.

Yay for the pool. We will be spending some time there as well. A LOT of Cole has his way! :)

tiburon said...

Sounds like things are looking up! Good surgeon. Good school. Good pool.

Jan said...

Yay on the surgeon -- and what are your Alberta dates? Fill me in!

becki said...

sounds like a busy, but fun summer. at least little saints will not be taking our time or our $$!!