Wednesday, April 16, 2008

While I do appreciate a good kid's meal...

Jack In the Box has lost a customer tonight by including a DUCK WHISTLE as the toy in my 2 youngest daughters' meals. Add them to my list of people who live to torture me. They include - stores with treats at the check out, stores that have carts you have to pay for, need I really continue?????


. . . . . . . . . said...

Have the whistles "magically" disappeared yet?

Me, Myself, and I said...

A duck whistle??? They don't even serve duck!

Jan said...

Oh, my -- duck whistles? I bet they get 'lost' in a hurry. I love it that you are doing Primary music -- love to chat with you about that - -it's my favorite Primary calling ever!

Lori said...

So that was the noise I heard coming from 3 houses down last night. I wondered why Zoey's ears were up! :) I agree, sucky toy!

tiburon said...

STORES THAT HAVE CARTS YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR?!?! What are these stores?! I would never ever ever shop there.

Duck whistle sucks. Jack in the Crack is off the list.

Unknown said...

amen, sista!