Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Good News and The Bad News

First, the good news, direct from the orthopedic surgeon..
I AM a candidate for a hip replacement... there is actually a possibility for 90 degrees of flexibility in my post op hips. My muscles look pretty crappy but he believes that the possibility of them supporting replacements looks pretty good.

The not so good news...
I need hip replacements! AAAHHHH!!!! Surgery.. and not just that - but they have to be done one at a time, two weeks apart. (and to think I felt sorry for Morgan having to get one ear repierced because she already knew it hurt.)

All joking aside, I'm really grateful that there is something that might be helpful to me and now it's just down to figuring out how and when and how much valium is medically possible to give me pre-op.


Jan said...

I love it that there is something they think they can do to help you -- and I"m sorry that it's a hip replacement. But I have talked to many people who have had them done and they absolutely recommend it. Mark will need one sooner or later as well so I want your input on yours!

Lori said...

Yea! This is good news. Not the surgery part, but yes the surgery part! I'm happy that you are going to be able to get them done. I'm here, whatever and whenever you need, you know that.

tiburon said...

That is fantastic news that you can get the replacement. Although I am sure the surgery doesn't sound that appealing. it is just nice to know that you have the option!

Melinda said...

My mom had a hip replacement when she fell from the ceiling in the garage (long story), and she's recovered wonderfully. I'm glad that there's something that can be done for you, and hopefully, it will eventually make you life easier. Just let me know when, and I can help out in any way possible.

Unknown said...

oh my gravy, chicky! you're such an amazing sport. i'm so happy there's something they can do!

Chris and Tara Mason said...

Wow - I'm happy that there is something that they can do, but I'm sorry that it has to be surgery! When are you thinking about having it done?

Michele said...

Oh man........ I wish I lived near you..... I would come and clean your house and make you food. Super good food, too. ;)

I'm sorry, Rebecca.... you must be so anxious! I'm glad there is hope... but so sorry how you have to get it. Zoinks!

. . . . . . . . . said...

I would TOTALLY take three months off work to come be your nurse...if they wouldn't fire me. But there is always the summer? I can't believe the prognosis post-surgery. It's AMAZING. And there is stuff out there that is MUCH better than valium, woman. Set your sights higher!

Me, Myself, and I said...

I'm so glad, Becca. Surgery sucks, but I'm sure it will end up being much better in the end. If the surgeries are scheduled in the summer, I'm totally available to come up and help. I have no plans. No life to get in the way. It's a good thing sometimes. :)

Love you. *smooches*

hoLLy said...

i'm sorry you have to have surgery but in the end it will be worth it! i'm so glad that there is an end in sight for you. i'm sure it has been awful having to be in pain for so long. and as a mother of 3 as well, i'm sure its been hard to do so many things. hang in there!