Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Continuing Endeavor to turn away my wrath...

My husband picked me up this little beauty from the Deseret Bookstore on Saturday after I had complained about my out of control temper with the little ones. I'm not a violent woman but I am an emotional one and a goal of mine is to control my temper with the kiddos. It might not seem like a big deal to most people but I went three days without so much as raising my voice to my kids. I felt pretty good about that. I had a little setback today but I'm determined to get back with it and make it a habit. This book has some good strategies.


Chris and Tara Mason said...

Oh - I am so interested in that book! Thank you for sharing! Also, we do need to get together. The next two weeks are crazy with school assignments, so we should do it around the beginning of April. Maybe we could hang out at an FC Dallas game or do dinner or something! :)

Me, Myself, and I said...

It doesn't help that it's spring break. I'm impressed with your efforts. If I ever have kids, I'll have to ask you for help on this one.

Lori said...

I might need to borrow this one! Even though I'm not LDS, I would imagine the strategies taught are ones that any parent could benefit from. :)

Jan said...

Sounds like a great book. What Mama isn't an emotional one anyhow? Good for you, Bec.

Unknown said...

sounds like something i need to read!

. . . . . . . . . said...

I know this has bugged you for a while. I'm so proud of you!!! You're a totally amazing mama. I miss you.