Friday, February 15, 2008

Coming Clean...

I have gained a little over 10 pounds over the past year. Man I'm bummed about that. I told myself that after the holidays I would buckle down so I could take my official "after weight loss and tummy tuck" photos. Don't get me wrong. I feel pretty good. My tummy's pretty flat. I just don't feel my BEST. I can use the usual excuses.. sick husband, sick kids, husband traveling, celebrations, date nights.. etc.. but it all comes down to priorities and self control.
The worst part about it is that when I feel physically crappy I am cranky and my family suffers. It's time to buckle down. Swimsuit season is coming... oh crap... yes, seriously time to buckle down. Words of wisdom would be appreciated now. I so need an infusion of self control...


Jan said...

Oh, how I hate the weight issues. I too am up slightly -- I blame it on two back-to-back foot surgeries but just like you, it's more along the lines that I eat too many treats. Period. I need to stop and take control of my treat intake.

Lori said...

My secret is to put your hubby on Nutrisystem! LOL Of course Nathan doesn't need to lose weight, but it is what worked for me. He was the one who brought treats home and now that he's committed to a program too, it's so much easier! Hang in there, I think you still look fantastic!

tiburon said...

You look great. I wish I had some fantastic advice but based on my weightloss this week I know NOTHING about losing weight. Trust me - you don't want to listen to me!

tiburon said...

You look great. I wish I had some fantastic advice but based on my weightloss this week I know NOTHING about losing weight. Trust me - you don't want to listen to me!

. . . . . . . . . said...

All I can say is that if you decide to do it, I don't know ANYONE who can lose weight like you do. You're like some superhuman machine! I honestly don't know how you stick to your guns like that. And you can totally do it again. Love you!