Friday, July 25, 2008

Tales from the Hospital

The right hip is now as metal as the left one and I'm feeling like a robot. The first night was really hard as the nurse took her own sweet time giving me minimal pain meds. Needless to say, I am not very good at hiding my displeasure and above mentioned nurse is paranoid and trying to redeem herself tonight. So far so good.


tiburon said...

So glad to hear you are doing well!! Domo arigato Mrs. Roboto ;)

Mama Lamb said...

Oh... I hate nurses like that. Docs always told me to keep ahead of the pain, and not to let it start hurting too much or else the pain meds don't work as well. When I had the hyster, I had a nurse that seemed to think the meds were optional. I told her to go ahead and give them to me every 4 hours as scheduled those first 2 days, but she wanted me to buzz her when I needed them. Well, I wanted to sleep, and was worried I would sleep through the critical time(which I did) and wake up in huge pain(which I did)... after all, they are going to wake me up for vitals all the time, why not wake me for meds? It was frustrating and I was glad to finally get a nurse who understood...recovery is much easier when you do not hurt!

Hope the rest goes more smoothly now. Robin (theflock)

Melinda said...

Yuck. A nurse that doesn't listen is the worst kind! I hope she does better today! Good luck with your recovery! We'll be thinking about you, especially on Sunday during Primary! ;)

Shiela Lee said...

UGH! I always kept a log of when I took meds and when I could have them again...then I'd call the nurse abt 20 min BEFORE they were due! I learned that lesson back with my first c/section! I've never let that happen again...ever! LOL

I'm so happy your surgery is done - I hope your recovery is quick!

Jan said...

Oh, I"m hoping that nurse really worked HARD to redeem herself! So happy to hear it's going well -- the prayers continue. Love this kind of good news.

. . . . . . . . . said...

I'm going to come up there and kick her butt into the next century. It wasn't "I'm alergic to peanuts" was it? I love you.