Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Mother's Prayer

Dear Lord,

I know I have not practiced my sewing skills.
I know that I can do basic things with my sewing machine.
I know that I have turned to my mother to do all of my major projects.
Please forgive me.
May I someday please possess at least a fraction of the talent that my mother has with a sewing machine?



tiburon said...

I completely agree! That woman is amazing! She has more sewing talent in her little finger than I have in my whoooooole body!

Unknown said...

she amazes me!!!

. . . . . . . . . said...

They look so cute. Love the attitude pic. Mom is amazing. Best part is that she loves sewing for her grandkids! Awesome!!!

Me, Myself, and I said...

Maya can certainly show off her attitude! It was really cool to see how fast Mom could shoot out those dresses. Watching her sew is more interesting than it probably should be :)

Jan said...

Your mom is truly awesome. The things she can do (in lots of ways!) are amazing. She is full of talent.

mamapickle said...

I feel your pain. I can only dream of being able to sew 1 % as good as my mother can. That gene didn't get passed to me and I took wood shop in school instead of home ec.