Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Blessings, a lesson from Peter

I have so many blessings. Truly. Next time I complain about something trivial like a stomach bug or the stress of having three kids just remind me about Peter. Peter is a little boy who is Morgan's age. We used to car pool to preschool. He went to Morgan's school. He was the sweetest little red headed boy and that's saying a lot because I have a HUGE preference for girls. I don't know why. I just do. That's that. Peter won me over. He is funny, quirky, polite and well mannered. His mother reminds me a little of Bree on Desperate Housewives, down to the red hair and home-made gift baskets.

Peter's battling a brain tumor. They can't even biopsy it because of the location of it on his brain stem. He has to endure chemotherapy for the next six weeks before they can even determine what they can do with it. I can't get this little angel of a boy out of my head. What would I do if this were my child? How is his mother surviving? I'm not that strong. I feel helpless. All I can do is fall to my knees and pray constantly that he will pull through this and continue with the strength that I know he has. He's a special kid... surely his mission on this earth isn't over yet. If you're reading this, please remember little 7 year old Peter in your prayers.