Thursday, November 30, 2006

I was never good at journaling either

All of my journal entries on paper begin with "it's been a long time" or "so many things have happened since..". I really need to motivate myself to record things better. Thanks Gretchen for the nudge in the right direction.

Actually now seems a really good time for a blog entry. I've been going through somewhat of a rough patch where parenting is concerned. It started with Nathan's travel picking up and then with a long bout of sicknesses in our house and I am just stuck in a funk. I'm not being a good mother. I have a short fuse and low level of tolerance. My friends notice it. I feel like I would love to have someone to talk to about it but not sure who that would be. I talk to Nathan and, bless his heart, his feedback is 'I'm sorry'. I don't think my kids deserve the kind of mother they have right now. If I didn't have such strong feelings about being home with them, I'd look for a part time job just to get out of here for a while.

Taking the girls out is a challenge lately. Melody is wanting to use her new found walking skills and Maya is just in the whiney 2-3 year old stage. Morgan tries to 'help' and Maya gets ticked off even more. And what is it with the crabby elderly ladies lately?? I am getting parenting advice and dirty looks EVERYWHERE! Don't they remember that they were there once?? Infuriating! I have held my toungue for the last time. I swear the next person is going to get an earful.

My exercising is keeping me somewhat sane. I am at the gym every morning, 6 days a week for an hour on the elliptical and a shower by myself. It's not even really for the exercise anymore but for the alone time. That's how I get myself out of bed at 5am. My diet is OK but I'm hanging out around 144lbs so i've gained about 5 back. I would like to lose it before my surgery in January but still can't stop shoving holiday food in my face.

The kids are doing well. Morgan's still super-enthusiastic about gymnastics and the other two are keeping me busy at home. I hope that I can get out of this funk and enjoy them more while they are still little.


Tammy said...

Rebecca blogged!!!! Yay!!!!

So sorry thing have been so rough lately. I'm in somewhat of the same funk. Good for you for finding time to yourself with exercise. I can't wait til I can get back into that routine.

Bless you Rebecca!

Shiela Lee said...

Hang in there! The added stress of the Holiday season only makes matters worse - just try to tread water til January (there, have some more un-asked-for advice!) LOL