Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mini Me

No... not this one....


Isn't it funny how things out of the mouths of children don't sound the same as when adults say them? Every time the kids ask me for something unreasonable I tell them that I want a million dollars and that's not happening either. (Yes, I know.. sarcasm, not a good plan.)

Here's this morning's conversation -
Melody: "Mommy I want to go to Chuck E Cheese"
Me: "Really Melody? Well we can't go right now. It's not even open yet."
Maya: "Well I want to go to the Natatorium but that's not happening either!"


Jan said...

Yeah -- out of the mouths of babes, right? At least she didn't use your favorite cuss word. (you probably don't have any - -and I didn't have many, but the one time my bad word snuck out, of course they picked it up and used it!)